
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance laboratory is equipped with a JEOL ECZ600R spectrometer funded by Compagnia di San Paolo, a state-of-the-art instrument operating at 14.1 T (600 MHz) and provided with a 30-position AutoSample changer and a magic angle spinning (MAS) unit. The equipment includes three different probes which allow measurements ranging from routine experiments to more complex studies, for both liquid and solid samples. (For more details: Analyses)

- 5 mm Royal liquid probe: it combines the best performances of a broadband probe for heteronuclear measurements (31P to 15N, 39K and 109Ag) and an inverse probe for 1H and 19F measurements. The reliable use of the autotune unit allows consecutive multinuclear experiments. Diffusion measurements and gradient-selected techniques are possible thanks to the Z-gradients unit.

- 5 mm TFH liquid probe: triple resonance probe designed for standard 2 channel spectrometer. High frequency double-tuned coil dedicated for proton and fluorine allows particular analyses of complex fluorinated samples, such as 1D 13C experiment with 1H and 19F simultaneous decoupling, 2D 1H-13C experiment with 19F decoupling and 2D 19F-13C experiment with 1H decoupling.

- 3.2 mm VT HXMAS solid probe: double channel probe suitable for a variety of solid-state NMR applications. Sample volume: 49ul; maximum speed: 24 kHz. It is a wide temperature range HXMAS probe which allows temperatures from -100°C to 200°C at fast spinning. Moreover, a detailed control of rising and falling temperature is possible.